ADRK: 136561
AKC: WS79886601
HD, ED free
Heart normal
AKC: WS79886601
HD, ED free
Heart normal
Pedro is a handsome German Import out of the world famous Crossener Ranch kennels. Pedro is very strong and health with passing health test he has a great temperament, very friendly. Pedro is in training for show and working titles. Pedro is available for stud and has proved him self as a producer of puppies.
Gardella and Pedro puppies born 7/26/23
Now taking deposits.HD- ED JLPP N/N Heart normalHD, ED Free JLPP normal/clear Heart normalBorn July 26th, 2023
Pedro and Evie puppies born February 25 2023
Now taking deposits.HD- ED- JLPP N/N Heart normalHD- ED- JLPP N/NFebruary 25 2023