Gardella and Pedro puppies born 7/26/23
Now taking deposits.HD- ED JLPP N/N Heart normalHD, ED Free JLPP normal/clear Heart normalBorn July 26th, 2023
Pedro and Evie puppies born February 25 2023
Now taking deposits.HD- ED- JLPP N/N Heart normalHD- ED- JLPP N/NFebruary 25 2023
July 25, 2020 Puppies
Now taking deposits.HD good ED normal JLPP normal BOB,BOS SE HD- ED- JLPP normalBorn July 25th, 2020
June 20, 2019 Puppies
Elite champion Malu vom Wachberg and RKNA champion Ausar vom Kressbach have successfully produce a litter of wonderful puppies, born on June 20, 2019. Both parents are certified breed able according to the German ADRK standard. Planed repeat breeding expected the fall...